Ma ~ Time

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Had a chance to watch new movie... actually "Preview Screening" of "Unstoppable"...
Starring Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson and etc...

I won 2 tickets from Cinema Online
This is my 2nd time winning FREE TIX...
You guys should try it too...
It is so simple, easy & wallaaaa... you'll guys definitely stand a chance to win FREE TIX or FREEBIES...

Few years back, when WENGZ still not marry... we used to join Cinema Online almost every single contest...
Kadang² dlm satu contest tu smpi 3-4 org d kalangan Wengz menang...
Klu menang 2 tix tu ok lagi... kekadang tu smpi menang 4 tix per person...
Mahu taknya berkampung kat pawagam...

p/s: I MISS those days... sob sob sob

Last month... I did won 2 tix also from Cinema Online
The Switch starring Jennifer Aniston  & Jason Bateman


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