Ma ~ Time

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Social Network... thanks to Cinema Online

Gotta chance to watch "The Social Network" preview screening last nite @ TGV, KLCC...
This is my 3rd time won FREE TICKET via Cinema Online
Guys... u all really need to try to check the website... it's so simple!

Yeah.. basically, The Social Network is about FaceBook...
How FB's being develop, da story behind it, with nerds (I don't know why da translation became "seorg NERDA"... wtf?!!)

About ideas, friends, TRUST, enemies, makin moneys, sues...

Starring by  Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield...


  1. yeahhh.... sounds too NERDAAA which is... STOOPIDs... konon UBRAN la sgt kan... pemalas punya translator!


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